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Jay Monson R. Kelly Haws
Commencement Address by R. Kelly Haws | April 19, 2024

"You are graduating from a university with the distinct advantage of being directly led by those we sustain as prophets, seers, and revelators. I testify that intentionally and undauntingly choosing to follow the Savior ... will endow you and me with answers, confidence, healing, and crystal-clear direction."
Commencement Address by R. Kelly Haws| December 8, 2023

"This university and what you have experienced here is directly led by those we sustain as prophets, seers, and revelators. Please remember, prophetic leadership invites—and even compels—you and me to do things differently as we commence and go forward after today."
Commencement talk by R. Kelly Haws | April 14, 2023

"We know with perfect assurance that BYU–Hawaii’s success and your blessing is directly tied to our aligning with them, because—and this is really important—because by aligning with them, we are aligning with Him."
Commencement talk by R. Kelly Haws | June 25, 2022

"When you and I realize that we are literally children of God, children of the covenant, and disciples of Jesus Christ, our love for Heavenly Father and the Savior will grow almost beyond comprehension, we will find it easier to love ourselves and allow ourselves to flourish, and only then can we truly love others as we’ve been commanded to do."
Commencement talk by R. Kelly Haws | April 16, 2022

"The prophets and apostles come from different backgrounds. Some have been businessmen or car salesmen or airline pilots. And some have been professors, judges, and even heart surgeons. Regardless of their backgrounds, they have now been called by and speak for the only professor who really does know all the answers, the one who knows all there is to know on every subject."
Commencement talk by R. Kelly Haws | December 10, 2021

"You’ve learned to observe when someone around you is hurting and needs your arm or smile of encouragement. You’ve learned to love and serve those who don’t look exactly like you do, who have accents different than yours, who like different foods, who have different customs, and you’ve learned to love, understand, and treat each other not merely with respect, but with kindness and mercy. The world desperately needs that kind of discipleship."
Commencement talk by R. Kelly Haws | June 26, 2021

"Each of you has gratefully heard Heavenly Father’s hope-filled voice whispering, “You can do this, and I will help you!” Thinking of all those we’ve just thanked, and with your diploma in hand, you may want to return to your home, friends, and family and somehow return what they’ve so generously given to you."
Graduates, I join you in thanking your family and friends as well as the university personnel who’ve worked tirelessly on your behalf. And thank you to the many tithe payers and generous donors who’ve also made today possible. And, graduates, may I be your voice in thanking President Kauwe, his family, and your faculty at this great university! They’ve spent their lives studying so that they could be here and help you learn how to find answers.
March 8, 2007
Jay & Jane Monson