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Receiving the Savior by Receiving His Prophet


Elder and Sister Ringwood, President and Sister Kauwe, parents, family, friends, aloha! And graduates—you graduates—you look fantastic! Congratulations! Everyone here is thrilled for you! Your time here will impact you and everyone around you for the rest of your life!

This university is a prophetically inspired blessing to each of us. It has deep roots in prophetic promises. President Henry B. Eyring described BYU‒Hawaii using very humbling words, “There is a divinity that shapes the remarkable development of this school. The Lord is its founder.” [1]

Prophetic Governance
It is my pleasure today to represent BYU–Hawaii’s Board of Trustees, of which Elder Ringwood is a member. Elder Ronald A. Rasband recently spoke at both BYU and BYU–Idaho and said something that applies very directly to BYU–Hawaii. This university “operates under the guidance of a unique and distinctive Board of Trustees … [Its] Board is led by the First Presidency, with President Russell M. Nelson serving as Chairman… [This university’s] governance structure creates a tremendous advantage for [the university], its president, the work of its faculty and staff, and the spiritual development of its students….” [2]

You would be deeply inspired to learn how carefully President Kauwe listens to the direction of the Board of Trustees. He is meticulous at following their counsel. Imagine our future if you and I would follow his example and would also be intentionally and unalterably committed to the Savior and His apostles!

Promises from Following the Prophet

That “advantage” Elder Rasband described, extends to assurances from the Savior and from the prophet. The Lord’s own assurance is that if you and I will receive the words of the prophets and apostles, we will receive Him. And if we will receive Him, we will receive the Father and all that the Father hath. [3]

President Nelson also made a promise to the students of BYU‒Hawaii, “If you are true and faithful, you will stand out in stark contrast to the surrounding masses mired in mediocrity. You will be anchored to eternal truth. You, your families, and your homes will become beacons of hope in a darkened world. You will be seen as citadels of stability wherever you live. Your faith and optimism will make you leaders in your communities, in your countries, and in the kingdom of God on earth." [4]

Graduates, we love you. You are graduating from a university with the distinct advantage of being directly led by those we sustain as prophets, seers, and revelators. I testify that intentionally and undauntingly choosing to follow the Savior and His fifteen living apostles is the path of safety and will endow you and me with answers, confidence, healing, and crystal-clear direction.

In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

[1] Henry B. Eyring, "An Influence for Good," 9 Nov 2015.
[2] Ronald A. Rasband, “For Such A Time As This,” Sep 19, 2023.
[3] See Matthew 10:40-41; John 13:20; Doctrine and Covenants 84:36-38
[4] President Russell M. Nelson, "Visions Past, Present, and Future," 9 April 2011.