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Aaron Shumway Stephen Biddulph
Devotional by Aaron Shumway | March 8, 2022

“Nevertheless is that pivotal moment in which we exert our will, our moral agency, and our faith against the enticements of logic and human passion to be obedient and faithful."
Brothers and Sisters, aloha! It is so great to be with you. As my wife said, we thoroughly love BYU–Hawaii. I considered this campus my home, growing up, and as a student. Of course the greatest thing was meeting May. I've also had the opportunity to take classes from stellar, wonderful professors, many of whom still teach here. And I feel my testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ grew tremendously, so thank you very much for being here.
This Friday, the United States of America celebrates 232 years of Independence. Independence is a celebration not only for Americans, but for all of us here at BYU-Hawaii no matter from what land we may come. For this Liberty made possible the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ that will bless the entire earth. We here today are benefactors of that Divine Plan.