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James Arrington M. Russell Ballard
M. Russell Ballard

April 06, 2008
Elder M. Russell Ballard
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

December 14, 2007
Aloha. I pray this morning that the Lord will bless me. It is an interesting thing what the Lord does to you. I had prepared a talk, written it, and had it prepared to give to you by the teleprompter. I don't know if it's because I am not sure whether I am in Chile, Argentina, or Hawaii, because I've been on a rather fast track lately, but in the middle of the night I had the impression that I was to set that aside and speak to you from my heart, as a father would speak to his children, on a matter that the Lord apparently wants someone here to hear and to understand.
M. Russell Ballard
Member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
January 25, 2003
James Arrington
May 26, 1988