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Mailefihi Niutupuivaha Tevita Kaili
David O. McKay Lecture by Tēvita O. Kaʻili| February 13, 2024

"Today, I extend a personal invitation to you to reflect on the cosmogony of your society and consider how it shapes your relationship with the environment. You might wonder, what exactly is a cosmogony? A cosmogony is the creation story of a people."
2021 Inauguration Faculty Greeting | October 19, 2021

"President Kauwe, we, as faculty, will seek for unity, diversity, inclusion, and equity to navigate our university to a new academic harbor under your wise leadership as the first Native Hawaiian president and the eleventh president of Brigham Young University–Hawaii."
Mailefihi Niutupuivaha
President, Laie Hawaii YSA 1st Stake

August 25, 2015
April 5, 2007
Tevita Kaili