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11 results found
Devotionals John S.K. Kauwe III
Devotional Talk by Monica Kauwe and John S.K. Kauwe III | May 7, 2024

"The foundational principle of dating and covenant marriage is personal preparation."
Devotional by John S.K. Kauwe | September 5, 2023

"I urge you to heed this wonderful advice. These small and simple things will prepare and qualify you for your finest hour."
Devotional by John S.K. Kauwe | May 2, 2023

"As our loving parent, God understands that we are not perfect, and will fall short in our efforts to honor our covenants and live as He would have us live."
Devotional by John S.K. Kauwe III | January 10, 2023

"Wholesome recreation is important and leads to greater physical, spiritual, and emotional health. But it can also become unhealthy when it interferes with our personal or professional responsibilities..."
Devotional by President John S.K. Kauwe III | September 6, 2022

"It is so easy in this world to fill your heart and mind with content and never make time to listen. Listen after you pray. ...Allow your mind some clarity to contemplate the important aspects of your life and future. You must make conscious efforts to allow the process of revelation to act more frequently in your life."
Devotional by President John S.K. Kauwe III | May 3, 2022

"Our imperfection leaves us subject to the demands of justice. But Jesus Christ, our Savior, suffered all things, to fulfill our Heavenly Father’s plan, and bring us salvation. "
Devotional by John S. K. Kauwe III | February 22, 2022

"Resolve to cultivate gratitude in your life, and view, through that powerful lens, the incredible blessings of having made covenants with a loving Heavenly Father, of being here at BYU–Hawaii, and of obtaining the knowledge and experience necessary to be a leader in your family, your community, and in the Kingdom of God."
Devotional by John S. K. Kauwe III | September 7, 2021

"When Isaiah teaches us that obedience will bring us “righteousness like the waves of the sea,” he reminds us that we want our own righteousness, our actions, to be completely dictated by the power of heaven the same way the waves of the sea are dictated. This righteousness, obtained through obedience, will give us access to divine power."
When we put forth our effort, perseverance, and faith, Jesus Christ promises to provide the path and support to overcome all things and complete our progression. He is in a very real way, the finisher of our faith.
Welcome to a fall semester that is unlike any other in the history of this University! I am certain it will be challenging, but I have confidence that we will be successful and learn and grow in novel ways.
This University is and will continue to be a place where people from across the world gather to be one in Christ and educate and uplift each other. Diversity of culture, experience, and thought is one of our greatest strengths. So too is our striving for unity as children of God bathed in the light of the restored gospel. Diversity and unity work together here at BYU–Hawaii in remarkable ways.