Brothers and sisters, Malo e lelei and Aloha!
Thank you for that beautiful musical number. I appreciate you for inviting the Spirit to be with us today.
My parents, Kaline and Finau Taufa, instilled in me the importance of having faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, obtaining a college education, and establishing a family built on this foundation. Growing up, my parents reiterated this every week during family home evening. Today, I would like to share how a solid foundation of faith, and a love for learning can shape your journey and strengthen your family.
A foundation of faith.
Let’s start with a strong foundation of faith. In the fourth article of faith, we read that, “Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ” is one of the “first principles and ordinances of the gospel.” [1] As a child, I always admired the faith of my mother in Jesus Christ. She was and still is a spiritual giant in my life. Life for her has not been easy. She comes from a family of 14 children, where she is number 13. She has had many health challenges, both physically and emotionally. With her permission, I will share a story of a time when she was experiencing a great deal of stress, and it was starting to manifest itself in her physical health. After several visits to the doctor and seeing no change, even after taking prescribed medication, she said the only person that could help her was God. She stopped taking her medication and stopped seeing the doctor. She believed that all she needed to do to be healed was to fast and pray regularly. She also continued to fulfill her Church callings and ministered to several members in our ward and people in the community. It was not uncommon for her to invite strangers over to our house for dinner several times a week. As a child, I did not understand why my mom thought going this route would help to improve her health. However, as a child, I was also a keen observer. It did not happen immediately, but gradually over the course of a few years, I started to see my mom’s health improve little by little. Each gradual improvement strengthened my mom’s faith and testimony. She continued on this journey of faith and service and made it part of her lifestyle. I saw my mom transform from a woman suffering from emotional and physical pain to a woman strengthened by her faith. Now, please understand that I am not saying that you should not see a doctor or take medication if you are ill. Seeking professional help for your physical and mental health is important to start your recovery. I am simply sharing what I observed from my mom’s experience.
In Matthew chapter 9, we read about the story of the woman who was diseased with an issue of blood for 12 years. In verses 21-22 it reads: “For she said within herself, if I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole. But Jesus turned him about, and when he saw her, he said, Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour.” [2] I witnessed this same miracle in my mom’s health. Like the woman in this scripture, my mom was made whole through her faith. Today my mom’s faith and health are as strong as they have ever been. She continues to serve others in her ward and community.
A love for learning.
Next, I would like to talk about a love for learning. In an interview with Qualtrics co-founder, Ryan Smith, Elder David A. Bednar said education is the key that opens the door to growth and opportunity. Education does not refer only to formal schooling, rather, true education is ‘learning to love learning… [When] you love learning how to learn, you enter exciting and unchartered territory.’” [3]
Education was constantly a topic of discussion in our home. My father graduated from Liahona High School in Tonga. He then graduated from BYU–Hawaii in the 80s. After graduating, our family returned to Tonga where my dad taught at Liahona High School for a few years. We later returned to Hawaii in the early 90s. After a few years, my dad started working on getting a construction license and eventually started his own business. He has since retired but, as I observed him, I was impressed by his quest for learning both academically and professionally. I also witnessed how his accomplishments blessed our family. We were not and still are not rich, but my dad was able to provide for our basic needs. My dad’s example created in me a desire to learn and surpass his college education. I thought, if my dad could do it, surely, I could do more. In 2022, I completed my master’s degree in business administration.
My mother is a great example of learning without formal education. She did not complete her high school education, but she has always had a business mindset. She finds ways to monetize her talents (cooking, crafts, etc.) to provide different sources of income.
Over time, I have developed a strong desire for learning that has extended outside of the classroom and into my career. I can honestly say that I have learned to love learning. For me, I feel that if I am not learning, I am not growing. If I am not growing, I get bored. I have been blessed with a long career of constant learning and growth. My love for learning opened doors and opportunities because I was willing to do the jobs that no one wanted to do. In doing so, I learned skills necessary to qualify for leadership roles. My growth from these experiences led me back to this campus to serve in roles that are truly fulfilling. As I reflect on my career in the hotel industry, I can see the Lord’s hand in the details of my experiences that prepared me specifically for the opportunity to be here speaking with you today. I am forever grateful.
Have you developed a love for learning? Making the choice to be here today is a great start.
Mortality is a testing ground.
I have been a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints my whole life. My parents are strong examples of faith in my life. I never felt the need to do anything more to strengthen and nourish that foundation. I rode on the coattails of their testimonies until I graduated from BYU–Hawaii in 2002.
Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf said, “Faith is strong when it has deep roots in personal experience [and] personal commitment to Jesus Christ... Our testimony will be tested and tried. Faith is not faith if never tested. Faith is not strong if never opposed.” [4] I did not know it then, but I was about to have some personal experiences that would test that foundation of faith and start my journey of personal recommitment to Jesus Christ.
My first job out of college was working at a hotel in Waikiki. I was paid $10 an hour with a college degree, which was barely enough to cover the cost for gas, to drive from Laie to Waikiki, five days a week. My husband and I got married later that same year. I quickly learned that, in hotels, there are many opportunities for movement and growth if I was willing to put in the time and effort. My focus shifted and I became more career driven. Hotels are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. As my career in the hotel progressed, my schedule required me to work on Sundays. By that time, both of my sons had been born, so I justified it at first thinking, I am doing this for my family. As I reflect on this time, I can see that I chose to make the Lord less of a priority in my life. My priority was to move ahead in my career to provide for my family. I worked in hotels for 18 years. I left home before my kids woke up and returned home just in time to say goodnight. Don’t get me wrong. I really enjoyed my work and loved the people I worked with. I met some amazing people and built lasting friendships. I worked in Human Resources, Property Rehab or Special Projects, and various leadership roles in Housekeeping. I learned about union contracts, code of conduct, benefits, project management, standards, policies, procedures, and managing teams ranging from 20 to 800 people. While it was great that my career was advancing, I also felt like a horrible mom. I missed out on so many things: sporting events, birthdays, holidays, and just being around when my kids needed me. I am forever grateful to my husband, my best friend, for taking everything on and being there for our kids. My father-in-law and mother-in-law played an integral role in supporting our family. Our kids also have five amazing aunties, or as my sister says, “mom-ties”. These wonderful people stepped up to fill in for me when I could not be there.
During COVID, I was temporarily laid off because the hotel had to close. This was another challenging time for our family. My husband started working a few months before I was laid off. He was able to work through COVID to provide for our family. I was home for nine months and had to navigate where I fit in my family’s schedule and routine. By then our sons were 14 and 16 years old. Having mommy home was great, but it was different from what they had been accustomed to. This also gave me time to re-evaluate my priorities. I decided to go back to my roots and focus on my foundation of faith and learning to strengthen me and my family. I enrolled in an online MBA program to start working on my master’s degree. I also focused on strengthening my relationship with my sons. Those nine months ended up being the recharge and realignment I needed. Eventually, the hotel reopened, and I was called to return to work. When I returned, I struggled feeling like I could not continue doing this because I needed to prioritize my family. My husband agreed, so I left the hotel. Even though I knew it was the right thing to do for my family, it was still difficult because I built so many great relationships over the years.
Elder Brook P. Hales said that “despite the challenges, heartaches, and difficulties we all face, our loving, wise, and perfect Heavenly Father has designed the plan of happiness such that we are not destined to fail... [W]e must expect to be schooled and taught and to pass through the refiner’s fire—sometimes to our utter limits.” [5]
I want to be clear that my job and my work schedule did not make the Savior less of a priority in my life. It was the small day-to-day choices I made. I still had my foundation of faith, but I found so many reasons or excuses to be too busy to attend Church meetings, attend Church activities, read the scriptures, fulfill my calling, minister, and attend the temple.
Elder Uchtdorf said, “A testimony is not something that you build once and it stands forever. It’s more like a tree that you nourish constantly.” [6] I was not putting in the work to nourish my testimony.
I am grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who really knows me. He knows I am driven and stubborn, among other things. He knew I needed the experience at the hotel to help me grow and develop professionally and to also be reminded of my foundation of faith so I would be ready to be molded into the leader he needs me to be.
A few years ago, I had the opportunity to work here at BYU–Hawaii. The mission of the university piqued my interest. What could be more fulfilling than being part of an organization that is preparing “students of Oceania and the Asian Rim to be lifelong disciples of Jesus Christ and leaders in their families, communities, chosen fields, and in building the kingdom of God.” [7]
I am a product of this mission fulfilled through my father. I have an opportunity to pay it forward so that more families, like mine, can be blessed. This is the first time I have ever worked in higher education. How could I transfer the skills I developed in the hotel industry to a university setting? According to Elder Bednar, when you find yourself in a situation where you “don’t know what to do, can you ask the questions? Can you dig in, research and come to know what you need to do?” [8]
This is where a love for learning comes into play. I was able to do just that. I learned how to apply my operational knowledge from the hotel to university housing, and now in my current role in the budget office. I also learned to research and ask questions to fill in where my knowledge might have been lacking.
Since I have been here at BYU–Hawaii, I have seen the Lord’s hand in so many ways. He is in the details of everything we do and all the decisions that we make. Everything I have experienced confirms to me that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are real. They are very much aware of us and the unique needs of this campus.
I am not perfect. I consider myself a “work in progress.” This means I am always learning, adapting, evolving, and improving. As I learn “to rely on the Savior’s grace” [9] in my life’s journey, I pray that my experience “can serve as [an example] of the far-reaching effects of the Savior’s Atonement” [10] and that as you do the same you will see the same effects in your life.
Trials are necessary for mortality to work.
So, why do we have trials, challenges, and difficulties? Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf says, “don’t despair if you have trials of faith or unanswered questions.” [11] Elder Brook P. Hales bears “personal witness that the Lord can strengthen us and bear us up in whatever difficulties we are called upon to experience.” [12] Have you ever thought that maybe we are called upon to experience difficulties? That we are not victim[s] of our circumstance[s]? Does this change how you see the challenges and difficulties you have faced or are facing in your life?
Like all of you, I have had some difficult experiences. Some experiences were so difficult that I did not know how I could ever overcome or get over them. Understanding that mortality is a time for us to be tested can change the way we see the challenges and difficulties we face. Sometimes in the middle of our challenges it is easy to get caught up in the drama and things that tend to make the situation worse. I learned that asking myself two questions helped me to change how I viewed challenges. When I am going through a stressful or difficult situation, I ask myself first, am I focusing my time and energy on what matters most? There are many good things that we can focus our time and energy on, but we can’t do them all. [13] This requires us to look at things with an eternal perspective, or as President Nelson has invited us all to “take the long view—an eternal view.”[14] To “think celestial!” [15] In my situation, I was focused solely on my career and providing for my family. This is a good thing, but by “thinking celestial,” I would have done the work to build my own testimony of the Savior.
The next question I ask myself is, what lesson does Heavenly Father need me to learn from this experience? This meant I had to let go of my idea of a picture-perfect career and accept the Lord’s plan for me. This was hard for me because I have control issues. As Elder Uchtdorf said, “Faith is beautiful because it persists even when blessings don’t come as hoped for.” [16] COVID put me in a situation where the best choice I had was to lean on my foundation of faith and love of learning to trust in the Lord and navigate unchartered territory in higher education.
Elder Hales said, “to completely avoid the problems, challenges, and difficulties of this world would be to sidestep the process that is truly necessary for mortality to work... We will encounter situations that try us and people who enable us to practice true charity and patience.” [17]
Elder Uchtdorf shared that you can rest assured knowing that “wherever you are, whatever your circumstances may be, you are not forgotten. No matter how dark your days may seem, no matter how insignificant you may feel, no matter how overshadowed you think you may be, your Heavenly Father has not forgotten you... He loves you with an infinite love.” [18]
As you go through the difficulties you have been called upon to experience, I challenge you to change your perspective by asking yourself these two questions: Am I focusing my time and energy on what matters most? And what lesson does Heavenly Father need me to learn from this experience? Record the answers in your journal or keep them in a note on your phone. Use it as a reference the next time you are experiencing difficulties. Let it nourish and strengthen your testimony. Let it also be a reminder that you are not forgotten. The Lord will bear you up.
I pray that as you do this you will find new meaning in your trials. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, inadequate, or helpless, I pray that your faith will strengthen, and these experiences will become your anthem giving you the empowerment and confidence that comes when you focus on the Lord.
Marianne Williamson wrote, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.” [19]
I would like to close with Elder Uchtdorf’s words “You are known and remembered by the most majestic, powerful, and glorious Being in the universe! You are loved by the King of infinite space and everlasting time! [20]... If you will only allow His divine love into your life, it can dress any wound, heal any hurt, and soften any sorrow.” [21]
In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
[1] Article of Faith 1:4
[2] Matthew 9:21–22
[3] Kaitlyn Bancroft, “Elder Bednar talks tech at Silicon Slopes Summit,” Church News, September 29, 2025
[4] Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Nourish the Roots, and the Branches will Grow,” Ensign or Liahona, October 2024, 103
[5] Brook P. Hales, “Mortality Works!,” Ensign or Liahona, October 2024, 84
[6] Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Nourish the Roots, and the Branches will Grow,” Ensign or Liahona, October 2024, 10
[7] BYU–Hawaii Mission Statement
[8] David A. Bednar, “Apostle Describes the Global Church of Jesus Christ at Silicon Slopes Summit” [address given at Silicon Slopes Summit, September 30, 2023],
[9] Brook P. Hales, “Mortality Works!,” Ensign or Liahona, October 2024, 85
[10] Brook P. Hales, “Mortality Works!,” Ensign or Liahona, October 2024, 85
[11] Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Nourish the Roots, and the Branches Will Grow,” Ensign or Liahona, October 2024, 103
[12] Brook P. Hales, “Mortality Works!,” Ensign or Liahona, October 2024, 84
[13] Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Forget Me Not,” Ensign or Liahona, October 2011, 121
[14] Russell M. Nelson, “Think Celestial!,” Ensign or Liahona, October 2023, 118
[15] Russell M. Nelson, “Think Celestial!,” Ensign or Liahona, October 2023
[16] Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Nourish the Roots, and the Branches Will Grow,” Ensign or Liahona, October 2024, 103
[17] Brook P. Hales, “Mortality Works!,” Ensign or Liahona, October 2024, 84
[18] Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Forget Me Not,” Ensign or Liahona, October 2011, 122–123
[19] Marianne Williamson, “A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of ‘A Course in Miracles’,” HarperCollins, March 15, 1996
[20] Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Forget Me Not,” Ensign or Liahona, October 2011, 123
[21] Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Forget Me Not,” Ensign or Liahona, October 2011, 123