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Brothers and Sisters,

I thank my sister being here to introduce me. Not only is she my sister, she is my best friend. I also want to acknowledge the presence of our brother, Melvin Kalama for being here. And now, let me begin:

Ki Ora, Konichiwa, Malo-e-lelei, Nimen Hao, Bula-vi-naka, Namaste, Talofa, Mabuhay, San ban o, An-nyeong-ha-se-yo, Kia Orana and Aloha!

It is my pleasure to welcome you to this devotional in the mother tongue of twelve of the countries represented on this campus. During Winter semester, we had students enrolled from 74 countries. Although I do not have time this morning to greet you in all of your ethnic languages, I know that these greetings represent the diverse countries from which you, the students of BYU-Hawaii and the Polynesian Cultural Center, originate-a unique blessing to the missions of both the University and the Center, and to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

When David O. McKay visited Laie in 1921, he witnessed a flag-raising ceremony of LDS elementary school children from various ethnic backgrounds and was deeply moved. Inspired by the realization that only the Lord's gospel of peace will unite the peoples of the world, he declared:

There we met as one, members of the restored Church of Jesus Christ. What a great example, in this little place-to unite all peoples of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

In 1955, President David O. McKay launched Brigham Young University Hawaii, then, as the Church College of Hawaii, with power and direction, prophesying, "That from this school, I tell you, will go men and women whose influence will be felt for good toward the establishment of peace internationally . . .the world needs men [and women] who cannot be bought or sold, who scorn to violate truth, Genuine Gold. That is what this school is going to produce. More than that, they will be leaders, not only on this island but everywhere. All the world is hungering for them."

The theme of my devotional address this morning is entitled "Becoming!:Becoming True Followers of Jesus Christ -Genuine Gold- All the world is hungering for them!"

In this, the last dispensation of the fullness of times, we live in turbulent conditions of contention, wickedness and wars. How can we become the true followers of Jesus Christ, Genuine Gold, for which all the world is hungering?

In order to be true followers of Jesus Christ, we must first come to know Him. This begins with desire, desire to know Him and to plant seeds deep within our souls that teach us to become Christ-like in character and in our behavior. When we plant and nurture seeds of the gospel, we become true followers of Jesus Christ. Today, I'd like to share with you six of these seeds which are principles of His gospel:

1. Seek the Lord in Prayer

2. Search the Scriptures daily

3. Be Faithful and Obedient

4. Be Worthy to have the Companionship of the Holy Ghost

5. Worship in His Holy Temple regularly

6. Be Charitable which is the Pure Love of Christ

1. Seek the Lord in Prayer
A 6th generation member of the Church, I am very grateful to have been born into a family with a rich heritage of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our greatest example of prayer, scripture study, faith and obedience was our grandmother, Emma Makaopiopio Kalama, who prayed in fluent Hawaiian, morning and night or whenever needed which was numerous. Grandma was widowed at 38 years of age, left with a family of five children. A single mom, raised in the Church, she knew that her greatest strength and resource was a loving Heavenly Father to whom she prayed fervently for guidance and direction. Grandma trusted and believed in Him, and the Lord answered her prayers. It was from Grandma Emma that I learned I must pray always, a principle which has and continues to make an eternal impact on my life. 2 Nephi 32: 9 reads: "But behold, I say unto you that ye must pray always, and not faint; that ye must not perform any thing unto the Lord save in the first place ye shall pray unto the Father in the name of Christ, that he will consecrate thy performance unto thee, that thy performance may be for the welfare of thy soul."

2. Search the Scriptures Daily
In my early 20s, I realized that reading the scriptures, consistently, was not an easy thing for me, and I struggled! One day, after being taught the importance of reading the scriptures in Relief Society, I decided to ask the Lord for help. When I arose from my prayer, I picked up the Book of Mormon and simply opened it. The chapter that appeared was Alma 32, and I'd like to quote verses 27 and 28: "But behold, if you will awake and arouse your faculties, even to an experiment upon my words, and exercise a particle of Faith, yea, even if ye can no more than desire to believe, let this desire work in you, even until ye believe in a manner that ye can give place for a portion of my words.

"Now, we will compare the word unto a seed. Now, if ye give place that a seed may be planted in your heart, behold, if it be a true seed, or a good seed, if ye do not cast it out in your unbelief, that ye will resist the Spirit of the Lord, behold it will begin to swell within your breasts and when you feel these swelling motions, ye will begin to say within yourselves---It must be a good seed, or that the word is good, for it beginneth to enlarge my soul; yea, it beginneth to enlighten my understanding, yea, it beginneth to be delicious to me."

Brothers and Sisters, I was amazed! For I knew that the Lord guided me to Alma 32:27-28 in answer to my prayer. The process of learning to read and love the scriptures did not happen over night. But gradually, line-upon-line precept upon precept, it began to take place as stated, the word enlarged my soul, enlightened my understanding, and became delicious to me. Of this, I testify!

3. Be Faithful and Obedient

Last month, I was blessed to attend the 50th Anniversary of the New Zealand Temple and the 50th Reunion of the Church College of New Zealand. As many of you know, approximately one year ago, it was announced that the Church College of New Zealand, comparative to our American high schools and known as CCNZ, would be closed in November of 2009. This was due to higher building standards required by law to protect people in facilities from hazardous weather conditions such as tornadoes and earth quakes, of which there are many. In alignment with this law, it would cost the Church millions of dollars to upgrade its facilities. Knowing of New Zealand's great education system, the brethren decided to close the Church College of New Zealand. When this was announced, I was told it was shocking and painful to Church members who built the school, studied there, had children who were blessed to attend it, and to those who were called to serve as its leaders, teachers and staff members.

On April 20, Stake Firesides throughout New Zealand were held in honor of the 50th Anniversary of the New Zealand Temple and from April 24-28, nearly 4000 people gathered to celebrate the 50th Reunion of the Church College of New Zealand which was a glorious celebration of gratitude and love, filled with joy,

-In Testimony meetings for dedicated and loyal labor missionaries who sacrificed their time to build the New Zealand Temple and the Church College of New Zealand.

-In outstanding talent and variety shows, song fests, cultural dances, and rugby featuring alumni, parents, leaders and students.

-At the Reunion Conference and Fireside where leaders and alumni testified of their love for the school and the personal impact it has had on their lives, on this earth and for eternity.

Although the announcement of the closing of CCNZ was initially difficult, at this reunion, the spirit of the Lord prevailed. This is where we witnessed faith, obedience and submissiveness to the will of the Lord by true followers of Jesus Christ. Alton Wade, former Principal of CCNZ, former CES Zone Administrator, and former President of BYU Hawaii, said, "This is a time of renewal, spiritual renewal, a wake-up call, putting our priorities in order, eternal priorities at the top and material priorities at the bottom."

Sister Barbara Wihongi spoke about her husband, Dr. Barney Wihongi, a graduate of The Church College of Hawaii, now BYU-Hawaii. He was called by Alton Wade to serve as the first Maori Principal of CCNZ from 1975 to 1983. Barney passed away in 1983, leaving Barbara with their five children. Her favorite scripture is found in Proverbs 3:5-6: "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." Sister Wihongi testified that faith in Jesus Christ gives us spiritual power. The spirit strengthens your back so you can walk straight and with confidence. Peace comes from loving the Savior and following Him.

4. Be worthy to have the Companionship of the Holy Ghost

In 3 Nephi chapter 12, the Savior calls and commissions the 12 Apostles. He taught them the Beatitudes. Let me quote 3 Nephi 12:6: "And blessed are all they who do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled with the Holy Ghost."

At the CCNZ Reunion Conference, Stake President Edward W. Pogai counseled members:

-To learn from the past: From the dedication, loyalty and sacrifice of the labor missionaries.

-To live in the present: Pain comes in many different forms.

"Come unto Christ." He can heal us.

The spirit leaves, if we have bad feelings.

The College is closing, not the Church.

The spirit lives on, the heart beats on, stay the course.

-Look to the future: Live the gospel! Go the distance!

I know that there are times when the natural man in us prevails, and I say that from personal experience, especially when we react or respond with frustration or anger. But oh, the blessing of sincere repentance through the Atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ provides us with the choice and process to become worthy again, for which I am very grateful. In D&C 88:67 the Lord proclaims His promises: "And if your eye be single to my glory, your whole body shall be filled with light, and there shall be no darkness in you, and that body which is filled with light, comprehendeth all things."

5. Worship in His Holy Temple

The holiest places on earth are the Lord's Temples. He wants us to be spiritually worthy to attend the temple on a regular basis. The Temple helps us to keep our priorities straight. Temple instruction and ordinances help us to learn what Heavenly Father and His Son want us to learn in this mortal existence that we may become like them and be worthy to return home to live with them.

Brother Lloyd Keung, current Principal of CCNZ, stated, "CCNZ has been a great influence of the Church in New Zealand. Temple View is holy ground. The temple is the goal for each of us. It is gospel centered." Lloyd is a graduate of CCNZ and BYU-Hawaii. He and his wife, Dolly, were honored this year by BYUH as the "Genuine Gold Couple of the Year." They are blessed with five faithful and successful adult children.

Alton Wade also asked the question:
"What makes Temple View so special?" The answer: The Lord loves this place and He comes here often. The Lord's House is here.

My brothers and sisters, it is in thy holy temple where the spirit is abundant and reveals how we can make mighty changes to become more like Him. In the New Zealand Temple Visitors Center there is a display on the history of the Church in New Zealand that shares the powerful influence of Elder Matthew Cowley who served his mission there, then returned as mission president, and later became an apostle, dedicated to the Lord and to the people whom he served and loved. Elder Cowley defines the meaning of the Maori word, kia ngawari, the name of a powerful song which I believe describes what the Lord wants us to do in the midst of changes He has or is making.

Kia Ngawari: To be humble, changeable, bendable, supple, those who can roll with the punches, and are dedicated and committed to following the leadership of the Church. According to Elder Cowley, this is about the 13th Article of Faith, which was shared as the devotional scripture. And now, the final seed or gospel principle is:

6. To be Charitable which is the Pure Love of Christ

In Moroni 7:45 and 47 we read: "And Charity suffereth long and is kind, and envieth not, and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. But Charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him."

The love of God and our Savior Jesus Christ is the most desirable above all things. To have the pure love of Christ means that we pray fervently to our Heavenly Father, we study the scriptures daily to draw near to Christ, we are faithful and obedient to God's commandments, we invite the Holy Ghost by living the gospel and being receptive to its promptings and we choose to worship God and His Son in His Holy temple regularly. Matthew 22: 37-39 says, "Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." In D&C 112:11 we are taught to "let thy love abound unto all men."

Tour to China and Mongolia

In May of 2007, I had the privilege of accompanying the concert choir to China and Mongolia under the direction of Michael Belnap, a tour I shall always treasure. It was on this tour that we, the leaders, President and Sister Shumway, chaperones and technicians experienced a great sense of unity and love within the choir, heard their angelic voices in beautiful choral renditions, saw their great performances and felt the power of their inspiring messages of aloha and peace. Nothing is ever perfect, and yet this tour, and I've been on several, was almost perfect. There was no murmuring, no backbiting, no contention. The overall results were amazing! The Concert Choir made a powerful impact for good on so many people, including government officials, university leaders, teachers, students, families and children in both countries.

At the last performance in Mongolia, a couple of non-LDS media professionals from a local TV Station were present to film the entire show which they had witnessed earlier and loved. Their goal was to broadcast this throughout Mongolia. After the show, I saw one of them on stage with a smile on his face. I knew he felt the spirit of the Choir that night. He was an atheist who visited BYUH and PCC with his partner in 2006 while on a world tour. He gave me a hug, and I knew this was not the same man I met in 2006.

One of the blessings of the Concert Choir tour was the joy brought into the lives of children without families, some disabled, all at a children's home. It gave our students the opportunity to sing to them, carry the little ones, play with them, and love them. When it was time to leave, it was difficult for the choir but they left these beautiful children with their hearts touched with the pure love of Christ.

The greatest blessing was a "mighty change" made on lives of students within the choir and upon all of us who were privileged to accompany them. This became very apparent in a testimony meeting held before our return to Hawaii. The love they shared for each other, for their choir director, Michael Belnap and his wife, for President and Sister Shumway, and for our Heavenly Father were sincerely expressed in their testimonies. Without question, on this tour they learned how to live and emulate charity, which is the pure love of Christ.

And now, let's come back to our campus and the theme of this devotional: "Becoming True Followers of Jesus Christ -Genuine Gold- All the world is hungering for them."

Brothers and sisters, and especially students, the Lord has a mission and a plan for all of us. You, the students of BYU-Hawaii and the Polynesian Cultural Center, are the elect! Let me say that again:You Are The Elect! In alignment with the missions of both these entities, you are here for a righteous and divine purpose.

You are here to learn to Become like our Savior, Jesus Christ. You are here to gain knowledge, both spiritually and intellectually, to prepare to go out and be leaders in your countries and communities, and in the Church. You are here to learn to be obedient to the laws of God including the Honor and Dress Codes that you will choose to live the gospel and not be open to the temptations of the Adversary.

With over 70 countries represented on this campus, you are here to learn to love all people regardless of color or ethnicity. You are here to learn together, to study together, to work together and to worship together in a gospel environment of peace and love. You are here to serve the Lord and to serve each other in your stakes, wards, and individual callings.

You are here to learn to radiate the gospel of Jesus Christ with the spirit of aloha at the Polynesian Cultural Center and on this campus. In the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the spirit of aloha will flourish. The spirit of aloha is truly the spirit of love.

It is here that you can worship the Lord in His Holy Temple and draw near unto Him. With this blessing, you will have the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost to guide and direct you. How blessed we are to have the Temple of the Lord right here in Laie. It is here that you can become charitable with the pure love of Christ-on this campus with each other, faculty, leaders and in your families, all in preparation for taking it out and sharing it with the world.

You are blessed to attend classes and meetings, which begin with prayer. You are able to learn from the scriptures about our Savior and the doctrine of His Church in our religion classes.

Every week, with the exception of week of finals or holidays, devotionals are held where our testimonies are nurtured and edified. Prophets, Apostles, General Authorities and other leaders who are true messengers of God, approved by the Brethren, come to teach us every week in devotionals.

My brothers and sisters, there is no other university or center like these upon the earth. It is here that you can Become true followers of Jesus Christ -Genuine Gold- All the World is hungering for you!

You will then be prepared to fulfill the prophetic missions of BYU-Hawaii and the Polynesian Cultural Center, to establish peace and goodwill, to build the kingdom of God in the four corners of the earth, in every country upon this earth, and to establish Zion for the Second Coming of our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. I pray that the Lord will bless you and bless all of us, in our efforts to become like Him, like our Savior Jesus Christ, and I say this in His holy name, Amen.