My dear brothers and sisters. Aloha!
It is a beautiful morning and your bright smiling faces full of goodness and testimony give me great hope for the future. What a glorious time to be alive! What a wonderful place to be going to school! What a magnificent opportunity you have to be part of the growth and development and ultimate triumph of the Kingdom of God as it moves forward in its prophetic destiny to “fill the earth.” You are among those who will see that prophecy through.
Do you understand what you are part of? You are part of the Kingdom of God! Just think: God lives, Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world and the head of His Church — The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints — which is the Kingdom of God on earth which will eventually fill the earth — and you are part of it! You have the glorious privilege, as well as the sacred responsibility to help build and strengthen that kingdom. What a privilege! What a blessing! Do you feel it? Do you see your part?
The Savior said: “. . .seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." 1 What does it mean to seek the Kingdom of God? In the Joseph Smith translation of that verse we read:
“ Wherefore, seek not the things of this world but seek ye first to build up the kingdom of God, and to establish his righteousness.” 2
That makes it very clear that our first duty is to build up the Kingdom of God, then all other necessary things will be added unto us.
You can’t fully do your part in building the Kingdom until you see your part clearly and act properly on it. President David O. McKay said that “. . .from this school will go men and women whose influence will be felt for good toward the establishment of peace throughout the world.” That is you — you are to be the men and women who will fulfill that prophecy.
So how do we go about seeing clearly our part in fulfilling prophecy by building and strengthening the Kingdom of God? And where do we get the strength to act properly according to that vision?
To begin with, you listen to and obey the prophets. You listen to General Conference. You are young and relatively inexperienced, but you have testimonies and correct desires. So listen to older more experienced persons who can show you the way. You returned missionaries, aren’t you grateful for good trainers and for good mission presidents? Aren’t we all grateful for good parents and bishops and others who have helped show us the way?
In the Old Testament there is a great scriptural account of an older person helping a younger person see clearly. Elisha was an older prophet and had a younger helper. Israel was being attacked by the Syrians. At one point Elisha and his helper were in the city of Dotham when it was surrounded by the Syrians. The young man saw that they were surrounded and said:
“. . . Alas, my master! How shall we do?” [Elisha] answered, “Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them. And Elisha prayed, and said, Lord, I pray thee, open his eyes that he may see. And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.” 3
I believe that President McKay and all of the prophets, especially including President Thomas S. Monson and our other great church and school leaders are similarly praying: Lord, open their eyes! Will you open your eyes and see the “chariots of fire” that surround you in our day? Will you do what it takes to fulfill President McKay’s vision?
Sometimes we focus on the evil and darkness in the world — the lying and stealing and defaming and mis-representing which is so rampant today. As we do, it becomes more difficult to see the gloriousness and ultimate triumph of the Kingdom of God. Let us concentrate on the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! I testify that as you follow the prophets, truth will triumph. President Monson has told us that there never has been a better time to live. There never has been a time when the truths of the Gospel have permeated more people in more parts of the world and in more ways than right now. There never has been a better time to spread the truth. What a great opportunity you have. I promise that as you follow the prophets and keep your testimonies of the Lord Jesus Christ and of His Church strong and active, truth will prevail and evil will fail!
As I prayed about this talk I had the impression: The experiences God has given you are to be shared with others to help them on their journey through life.
Jean and I were once your age. We started college and had the same questions you do: What classes to take, What to major in, Who to date and eventually marry, What about a mission, a job, etc. While your path will be unique to you, the truths we have learned along the way can help you see the most important things.
When I was a student in college the Korean War was still going on and young men were being drafted into the military, so there was a real question of whether I could go on a mission or not. Fortunately the war wound down and I was able to go. As a freshman, I met Jean Sabin from California, on a blind date set up by our sisters. We dated some but when I left on my mission the only agreement we had was that we would write to each other and see how we felt when I returned.
My mission to Tonga was one of the best things that ever happened to me. I loved every thing about it. It was right for me, just as everyone’s mission is, or will be right for him or her. What a joy to know that you are called by a prophet of God to serve where you can best help build His Kingdom.
How I loved helping people come unto Christ and be baptized — and still do. How I loved feeling that I was helping to build God’s Kingdom — and still do.
I loved receiving letters from Jean, but I was so engrossed in my mission that I didn’t think much about “the next step.”
Towards the end of my mission we got caught in a bad storm at sea, our boat was capsized and we were thrown into the ocean. I struggled to get to shore, but was having difficulty. In the midst of this turmoil I was blessed with the assurance that God knew who I was and where I was and what I needed to do next.
At one desperate point I felt Jean’s hand, heard her voice and felt her presence. Thus I was given strength to make it to shore and also to know what I should do when I got home. Sometimes it is in the midst of incredible turmoil that we are able to see so clearly that other concerns just fade away.
I testify that as we sincerely strive to build and strengthen the Kingdom of God, He will always help us see “the next step.”
When I returned from my mission and reconnected with Jean, we both knew it was right and were married in the Los Angeles Temple. Of course we still had many other decisions to make: schooling, a job, a place to live, starting a family — I’m sure you can relate.
I went on with my schooling, our first daughter was born and eventually we returned to my hometown of Idaho Falls just before our second daughter was born and I began my “career” in Real Estate. A year later I was called to serve as bishop of our ward. What a blessing to have a supportive wife! After serving as bishop for 4 ½ years I was called to be the mission president in Tonga. Our fifth daughter was born a few weeks before we left for Tonga.
The Lord took us step by step and eventually we ended up serving as a General Authority and were assigned to live here in Hawaii for the first two years of my call (during which time our eleventh and last child was born).
In all we tried to do, we had as our primary goal: To do what God wanted us to do to help build His Kingdom in the way He wanted us to. We made mistakes, as we all do, but we continued to try.
As we now enter the last part of our mortal sojourn, we know with deeper conviction than ever, that building the Kingdom of God, largely through our family, is not only our greatest duty, but also our greatest source of joy.
If you have as your #1 goal in life to remain faithful to the Lord and do all you can to help build His Kingdom, which includes properly teaching your children, and keep trying to do so, even when you make mistakes, or when things are hard, He will guide and direct you, as He has us!
So, when you ask the questions:
* What classes should I take?
* What should I do for a living?
* Who should I date and marry?
* Where should I live?
* How should I serve?
Ask these questions in the context of: What will best prepare me to build and strengthen the Kingdom of God.
For example: On the all important question of who should I date and eventually marry? Of course you should get the facts, weigh your options, counsel with good people, but above all sincerely ask God: Is this the person I can best work together with to build Thy Kingdom? As you do, you will find that faithfulness to the Lord and His work, in a potential spouse will be the most important factor and take precedence over worldly considerations. If you are sincere, I know from personal experience that the Lord will answer your prayers.
The same principle applies when you ask: What should I do for a living? You need to get the facts, weigh your options and counsel with good people, then ask the Lord: Is this the choice that would best help me build Thy Kingdom? As you sincerely ask in this way, you are tapping into the very basis of your being here, and I promise you the Lord will answer your sincere prayer in a way that will give you a feeling of calm and help you see clearly what you should do.
Each person is unique and has his or her own contribution to make to the building of the Kingdom. Just look at the variety of vocations people have had who helped in building the Kingdom.
Anciently the Lord’s leaders came from fishermen or farmers or herdsmen. In more modern times they have come from carpenters, printers, businessmen, pilots, doctors, teachers, lawyers and more. There is an old saying: “It’s the set of the sail, and not the gale, that determines the way we go.” Any honorable profession can be the preparing ground for service to the Lord, as long as you put your whole heart into it and feel that God is with you. It is not so much the field you pursue as it is the desire of your heart to use it as a means of building His Kingdom that is important.
Sometimes these choices are difficult, but I promise you that as you sincerely pray in the context of honestly wanting to help build His Kingdom, He will help you make the right decision. And that promise is to everyone — male and female, young and old, Polynesian, Palangi, or whomever. Remember the promise from Peter.
“ . . . Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons. But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.” 4
If you so desire, I know He will help all of you because He wants each one of you to be an integral part of building His Kingdom and establishing Zion in these last days. And just as He has guided Jean and myself, He will guide you.
In the important areas of where to live and how to serve, follow the same pattern and you will receive the same guidance. We should never aspire to any Church calling, but always accept whatever callings we are given with a heart full of gratitude for the privilege of serving and a heart full of determination to serve with all our might, mind and strength. As we pray over these callings and put forth full effort, we will see that they were the best possible way we could help build the Kingdom of God.
There are only so many people that will be called to be General Authorities or General Officers in the Church. Also a limited number of people will be called to bishoprics or stake presidencies or Relief Society or Young Women leaders. But there is no limit to the number of people to be called as mothers and fathers and teachers and helpers. And I assure you that any and every call is as important as any other in building the Kingdom.
Isn’t it wonderful that we don’t have to decide where to serve, only how to serve? When we decide to serve a mission, the Lord through his leaders tells us where He wants us to serve, likewise when we decide to serve the Lord with all our heart, He tells us through his leaders what positions He wants us to serve in.
Now, as to where to live. God deems it best for each of us to make that decision. You will make the right decision if you pray to God in the context of sincerely wanting to know where and how you can best build His Kingdom. There was a time when members were asked to come to a central location to help build up Zion. However, we now live in an era where the leaders ask us to build up and strengthen the Kingdom in all parts of the world. Where will that be for you? Only you and God will know for sure, and under His inspiration you can know it for sure!
Let me remind you, in order to build God’s Kingdom in the best way possible we must follow the Prophet. Remember the words of President McKay. He, as all prophets, wanted with all his heart to help build the Kingdom of God. Right here in Laie, he “saw clearly” what needed to be done. He felt a school should be built from which leaders would go to all parts of the world to establish peace, which is another way of saying “build God’s Kingdom” — for it is the Kingdom of ultimate peace!
It took many years and lots of work, but the vision that President McKay saw so clearly is coming to pass and you are part of it. Can you see yourself as part of the fulfillment of that prophecy? Are you doing all you can to fulfill that prophecy? That prophecy will be fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God will grow, with or without you, but what a glorious privilege to be part of its fulfillment!
I promise you that if you truly desire and are willing to obey your leaders and the promptings of the Spirit, you can “see clearly” where you fit in. And oh, how happy you will be as you understand and do your part in fulfilling that vision!
We came to earth at this time to help build His Kingdom. As we sincerely pray, the Lord will bless us with inspiration, even spiritual vision, of what we should do and where and how we should do it. Like all good things, it will take a lot of effort, but with that effort it will come. I promise that you will be able to see clearly and have the strength to act properly in all of these areas.
Let me demonstrate the importance of seeing clearly. How many wear glasses? Okay, take your glasses off and give them to someone by you who doesn’t wear glasses, to put on. Now, look at this slide.
Search diligently, pray always, and be believing, and all things shall work together for your good, if ye walk uprightly and remember the covenant wherewith ye have covenanted one with another. 5
Is it clear to you? Now return the glasses. Can you see it better now? Clear vision is vital!
When the prophet Joseph Smith wasn’t sure what to do he decided to pray. When he did he was given a vision and could see clearly what he should do. We are not called to help restore the Gospel as he was, but we are called to help build the Kingdom in our own sphere, and are entitled to see clearly that which we should do.
Your being here at BYU-Hawaii is not a coincidence but is an important part of preparing you to be more effective in building God’s Kingdom. Once you see that truth clearly, other things will fall into place.
Each of us has come to this earth at this specific time with a certain set of skills which when developed and used properly, will help us build the Kingdom of God in the best way possible. To help you recognize your skills, if you haven’t already done so, get your Patriarchal Blessing. Study it carefully, prayerfully and regularly. Then follow the promptings you receive.
If you haven’t already served a mission, do so. If you haven’t already been to the temple, get yourself worthy and ready and go and keep going as often as possible. The temple is one of the best places to see clearly the things of most importance.
When Joseph Smith was persecuted and reviled for telling the truth. He asked:
". . .Why does the world think to make me deny what I have actually seen? For I had seen a vision; I knew it and I knew that God knew it, and I could not deny it. . ." 6
You may or may not be persecuted or reviled for sticking up to your testimony of the truth, but remember, always stick with it! You can see in vision clearly what the Lord would have you do. And when you do never deny it, but determine to put you whole heart, mind and strength into doing whatever the leaders of the Church ask you to do. Dedicate everything you have or ever will have — all that you are or ever will be — to building and strengthening the Kingdom of God. As you do, I promise you that the Lord will lead you along — step by step — here a little, there a little — until you become what He wants you to become.
It will take a lot of effort, but will bring a lot of joy. I promise that as you pray always and are believing, God will see to it that all things work together for your good and for the building of His Kingdom.
I love you all and assure you that the Lord will help you see clearly what you should do to build His Kingdom. I also promise you that as you faithfully build His Kingdom in the way He desires, He will give you the strength to act properly and fulfill your purpose in life and fill you with unspeakable joy.
I testify that God lives, that Jesus is the Savior of the world and the Head of this His Church. I testify that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the Kingdom of God on earth. I testify that the Kingdom of God with its light and truth will grow and eventually “fill the earth” as it prevails over the forces of darkness and evil regardless of how daunting they may seem. You will be part of that fulfillment.
I testify that the Book of Mormon is true, that Joseph Smith is a true prophet who helped restore the keys of the kingdom of God to earth and that Thomas S. Monson holds those keys today.
I leave my love and blessings with you. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
[1]Matthew 6:33
[2]JST Matthew 6:38
[3]2 Kings 6: 15 - 17
[4]Acts 10:34-35
[5]Doctrine & Covenants 90:24
[6]Joseph Smith History 1:25