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Fix Bayonets and Spiritual Treads

"Fix Bayonets" & "Spiritual Tread" by President James H. & Sister Delsie Bekker⠀

Sister Bekker

I would like to talk to you today about never giving up no matter what the odds….to consider thinking “outside of the box” to solve problems, not just think in the more traditional way to overcome difficulties. Sometimes, we have to dig deep within ourselves to find solutions, and at those times the Lord can put inspired thoughts into our minds in answer to prayers.

Never was the answer to a problem more “outside of the box” than when Joshua led the charge to bring down the walls of Jericho, or when Moses led the children of Israel to safety by parting the Red Sea.

When Moses led the children of Israel out of Egypt, they fled into the desert being chased by the Egyptian soldiers. When they arrived at the Red Sea, they were trapped. Many of them murmured that they had been lead out of captivity only to be trapped and killed. Their backs were certainly up against a wall. But God had a plan, and the sea was parted and they passed on dry ground. More than one of the Israelites probably thought, “I didn’t see that coming!” God’s solution was beyond the expectation of mortal men, and miraculous.

As the Israelites arrived in Caanan, they desired to get into the walled city of Jericho. Did Joshua, their leader, have them attack and fight to gain entry as was the custom of the time? No. Joshua had them march around the city each day for seven days, and then on the seventh day, he had them march around the city seven times. As they circled the city, Joshua had them blow trumpets of ram’s horns and shout and yell. This was an unconventional approach to be sure! But, as we know, the walls of Jericho came tumbling down! Miraculous and amazing.

Now, solutions to our challenges may not be as dramatic as those examples, but in just the same way, we can be led to solutions that are creative and productive, miraculous and amazing.

Unless we are exposed to life’s challenges we would never know ourselves of our own powers, or of our weaknesses. We would also not discover how the power of God can be manifest in our lives, and how we can grow and develop. After all, isn’t the entire purpose we are here on earth to become like our Father in Heaven as we go through refining experiences?

In Alma 12:24 we read: “this life is a time to prepare to meet God….”

And in verse 25 it says: “but there was a plan….”

We know that there is a plan. We need to plan for the plan!

I want to explain to you the term “fix bayonets.” The term comes from an encounter in the Civil War. First, let me explain what a bayonet is.

A bayonet is a blade, adapted to fit the end of a rifle and used as a weapon in close combat. It is usually a weapon of last resort. The bayonet can be used by holding it in your hand, or it can be used when fastened to a rifle. When soldiers are told to fasten the bayonet to their rifle, the command is given to “fix bayonets.”

Now for the story. The Civil War began in the spring of 1861. By July of 1863, most of the major battles had been won by the South. General Robert E. Lee of the South felt that if he could take the war to the North and win another major battle, public opinion for the war would evaporate and the North would seek peace through surrender or compromise.

This major battle occurred in a small town in southeastern Pennsylvania called Gettysburg. Many major historians feel that if the North would have lost the battle, there would have been great pressure for the war to end and we would have had an America that was separated into North and South. Lincoln knew that the people of the North needed a major victory or support for the war would begin to fail.

Major Joshua Chamberlain commanded the 20th Maine volunteer regiment and was given the assignment to protect the flank of the Union line. The flank meant the side. They were to prevent the Confederates from going behind the Union lines and attacking from the rear. Had this happened, it would have been very bad for the North. Major Chamberlain was told to protect the flank at all cost. He had 386 men.

The Alabama regiment from the South had attacked the Maine regiment twice. Both sides suffered great losses. However, Major Chamberlain knew that his men were out of ammunition and could not withstand another attack.

What would you do if you knew you were out of ammunition and were sure to lose in the next encounter? Major Chamberlain shouted the command to “fix bayonets!” He then commanded his men to run downhill and charge the enemy.

Can you imagine how those men felt? Their hearts must have been pounding as they ran down the hill!

The charging Maine regiment caught the Confederates off guard as they were not expecting an attack and they were able to capture many of the members of the Alabama regiment.

Major Chamberlain’s charge saved the day, and many feel it saved the Union. He received the Congressional Medal of Honor; the highest military honor given for his quick thinking and bravery.

I use this story to illustrate how we must never give up, no matter what the odds, and to seek heavenly guidance to be creative in our solutions to problems and challenges placed in our life. Challenges and problems given to us wisely to help us grow.

In the same way that those soldiers fixed their bayonets when their backs were against a wall, we must fix our figurative bayonets. We may not realize it, but we are at war with the temptations and distractions of Satan. It is a dangerous war because we may not realize our backs are against the wall until late in the battle, when solutions are limited.

In these interesting times, we have trusted leaders, just like the Maine regiment had Major Chamberlain. We have prophets to guide us today; as we listen to their words we can “fix our bayonets” and be ready to charge forward toward success.

What does that look like today? Here are some ideas:

  • Read the Book of Mormon every day, as we were reminded In the recent General Conference, by our prophet Thomas S. Monson. This brings great power and inspiration in our lives. I know because I have experienced this blessing in my life. I can testify to you that this book gives a power of protection and testimony to all who read it in earnest.
  • Along with that, making sure there is more of your time devoted to spiritual development than to social media. Are you talking to your Father in Heaven in prayer each day anywhere near how much you text your friends? Don’t leave Him out of your life.
  • Speaking of social media, you can fix filters on your phones and computers to prevent the possibility of seeing material offensive to the spirit.
  • Doing temple work amidst a full schedule at school.
  • Reading our scriptures and saying our prayers BEFORE doing our homework each day.
  • Standing alone in the face of social pressure.

In thinking of the pressures of society today on you to conform, I am reminded of the young boy-prophet Joseph Smith. Joseph Smith, after the first vision received a large amount of ridicule from former friends in the community, even pastors. I am sure that was very difficult, but he was fixed in his determination and resolve. In his own words he recorded:

“Why persecute me for telling the truth? I had actually seen a vision and who am I that I can withstand God, or why does the world think to make me deny what I have actually seen? For I have seen a vision, I knew it and I knew that God knew it and I could not deny it, neither dared I do it..

Joseph Smith History 1, verse 25

Did young Joseph trust God more than he trusted men?

As we think back to that battle at Gettysburg, what went into that moment for those men that had no ammunition left? Were they blindly trusting their leader, or do you think he had earned their trust?

Are we trusting the Lord? The Savior Jesus Christ indeed gave everything he had for us, and He most certainly deserves our trust.

In the Doctrine and Covenants Section 19 verse 16 we read: “For behold, I, God, have suffered these things for all, that they might not suffer if they would repent.”

When the Savior entered the Garden of Gethsemane, he had no worldly ammunition. In essence, He fixed His bayonet, fought the battle and won the war for each one of us.

May we fix our bayonets by doing those things each day that will make all the difference.

  • Reading the Book of Mormon every day.
  • Devote more time to spiritual development through prayer.
  • Eliminate material that would be offensive to the spirit in any way from your life.
  • Go to the temple.
  • Scriptures and prayer before homework every day.
  • Stand up, even if you must stand alone.

May we “fix our bayonets” by doing those things each day that will make all the difference. As we do so, we will call down the powers of Heaven. The power that was generated by the Atonement of the Savior Jesus Christ, for us to emerge victorious from the challenges of this day.

I testify that the Savior lives. As we charge forward, though our hearts may be pounding, we know in whom we trust, and we cannot fail.

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

President Bekker

My dear Brothers and Sisters, what a unique privilege this is to be with you for a few minutes today and share some impressions I have had as I have prayed, fasted and pondered this invitation to speak to you. I pray that you will listen to the promptings of the spirit that will come to you as we spend this time together- those promptings will be significant, and are meant for you personally.

First of all, you are amazing! As I have visited with many of you at Stake Conferences and around campus, I am so impressed with who you are. I am just a bit jealous…you are at an amazing time of your life, and for a moment, I think, “I would love to be in college again.” Then I think of the tests and the papers and organic chemistry, and I reconsider! I am grateful for where I am now!

You though, have the future ahead of you, and what decisions you make today will shape the outcomes of your tomorrows. “Now” is very important for you. Because it is so important, I want to talk about some of those decisions.

I would like to introduce my thoughts today by sharing a story that happened in our family a few years ago. For a long time, I could not even talk about it. However, there are some valuable parallel lessons to be learned from this experience, and so I will share it with you today.

In our family, we had the “kid’s car.” It was a sporty red SUV that was dependable and safe in the snow and the hills around our house. As each child went away to college or on a mission, the car stayed home for the next child to drive, and there were times when the car was shared by more than one child.

One spring day, it was determined that the tires on the car were quite bald, and we needed new ones. One of our daughters, Elizabeth, had the task of taking it in to get the new tires. That day was a stormy spring day, and the rain was really coming down in buckets.

Elizabeth headed out to the tire store, and got onto the freeway. A few minutes later, she hit a puddle of standing water that caused the bald tires to lose their grip on the road and the car did a little spin and bumped into the guardrail on the side of the road. The fender was dented, but she was ok- just a little shaken up. The car was still drivable, and she started up and headed down the road, continuing on to the tire store.

Because of the dented fender and needing some reassurance, she called me on her cell phone. She told me what had happened and that she was sorry for the dent. I made sure she was ok, and then we continued talking for a few minutes as she continued driving down the freeway. (Now, I know you are all thinking that you shouldn’t be talking on a cell phone while driving- and you are exactly right!)

After going a few miles, and while we were still talking, she came to another larger puddle of water. Even though she was going very slow, the car started to hydroplane. As I was talking to her, her voice changed. I could hear the anxiousness build in her voice… “Dad, Dad, Dad, I’m sliding…the car is starting to spin…Dad, DAD…I’m spinning around…………

And then it happened. I heard her yell, as the car spun completely around and then hit the part of the road where the water stopped. Because she was going sideways at that point, the tires skidded on the pavement. Amidst her screams, a horrific, loud, crashing, crunching sound came over the phone as the car flipped and rolled. It seemed like it lasted forever, and then there was silence. Every parent’s nightmare.

I was frantic, calling into the phone…. Liz, Liz, are you ok. For a long while I heard nothing, and feared the worst. Then, I heard a weak voice say….” I, I think I’m ok.” Soon I heard knocking and pounding on the car as people came to help her and were trying to get her out of the mangled wreckage. I handed the phone to Sister Bekker and I raced to my car to go to where the wreck had occurred. When I finally got there, our Elizabeth was being helped by kind people who had witnessed the crash, and luckily she was not hurt. The fun red kid’s SUV was a complete loss, but it had proven to be a cocoon of safety for her as it rolled, and we know she was protected by heavenly angels that day as well. She is now the beautiful mother of three adorable boys, and her kind husband always keeps good tires on her car!

Why do I tell you this story? The reason is simple. Tread on tires can be related to “spiritual tread” in our lives. You cannot go out of the house today without your spiritual tread being thick and deep. Unfortunately, all too often, we are running our lives on bald spiritual tires.

Let’s look at some pictures of tire tread.

It is easy to see from this picture which tire will have a better grip on the road. Spiritual tread is just as important.

Spiritual tread is made up of essential, life-saving daily habits. Many of us claim that we know this, but too many head out being a little “thin” in the tread department. Some would say, “I’m ok. I still believe, I just don’t do everything all the time. That attitude is dangerously like a thin treaded tire, deceptively unsafe for the road of life.

We are taught in the Doctrine and Covenants to establish our house…. very similar to putting spiritual tread on our tires. In Section 109 verse 8 we are advised: “Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing, and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God…”

How do we establish our own house of God? How do we put “spiritual tread” on our tires?

Spiritual tread is made up of some basic elements that we incorporate into our lives each day. Sister Bekker has just referred to some of them. I will add a few thoughts.

One row of tread can be likened to prayer. When we kneel down each day and ask our Father in Heaven to be our companion, to guide us and help us to make decisions, the day will always turn out better. Daily, sincere talking with our Father in Heaven adds a row of deep gripping tread to our spiritual tire. Following the spiritual promptings we receive from prayer keeps us on the right road.

Another row of tread can be added to our tires when we study the scriptures. Notice, I didn’t say “read” the scriptures……that is just going through the motions. If you are studying for a test, you don’t just read the words- you digest them, you remember them, committing them to memory, and they become knowledge for you. Study of the scriptures is most effective when it happens in the same way. We learn and live what we study, and we study what we need to know to live. The scriptures are our most important textbook.

Service in the church, community and in our families is another row of spiritual tread. Always have a calling- don’t wait for the Bishop or his representative to come to you… approach them and ask for an official opportunity to serve. Remember that home teaching and visiting teaching are Heavenly Father’s plan for his children to minister to each other. Take this seriously. The Savior has never been more quoted than when He said: “Love one another, as I have loved you.”

Attending the temple is an excellent way to build spiritual tread. As you are attending this wonderful university, remember to spend some time in the Lord’s university…..the temple. There you will receive inspired principles of eternity, and you will receive personal revelation that will guide your life. Going often, even every week, can open your mind to tremendous spiritual learning. That equates to more tread on your spiritual tire.

One of the main treads on your spiritual tire is appropriate Sabbath Day Observance. I personally think this area is where the stalwart are separated from the fence-sitters in the gospel. This commandment is hard in today’s hectic world, with our hectic schedules. There is such a temptation to use Sunday to catch up on all that we didn’t get done during the week, or use the day for recreation instead of devoting that special time to the Lord’s work. Make no mistake though, when you give one day each week to renewing covenants and spiritual pursuits, you are promised that the other six days of the week will be much more productive.

We add some of the most necessary tread to our tires when we keep the commandments……exactly! The power over the adversary’s distractions is strong when we keep commandments; when we don’t keep commandments, the adversary has an open invitation to influence our thoughts and actions. The Word of Wisdom, the Law of Chastity and paying a full Tithing are on this list. You know what they are- is your tread in these areas thick, or are you wearing a little thin in places? The spirit will tell you where you need to improve…. maybe even right now you are being prompted of something to adjust in your life.

Finally, consider one of the most important treads on our tire. Sharing the Gospel. You didn’t think I was going to talk today without mentioning missionary work, did you?

We have been commanded to open our mouths, and to preach the gospel at all times and in all places. We are all missionaries.

In Doctrine and Covenants 24:12 it says:

“And at all times, and in all places, he shall open his mouth and declare my gospel as with the voice of a trump, both day and night. [Then there is this great promise….] And I will give unto him strength such as not known among men.”

That is spiritual strength, that is tread on your spiritual tires. That is “extra grip” tread that we gain as we share the gospel. The strength “not known among men” is the power to overcome sin, to prevail against the adversary, to know God’s will and have the determination to follow that will in our lives. This leads ultimately to happiness. Life is so much more enjoyable when we are safely on the road that takes us back to our Father in Heaven. Life is meaningful as we invite others to learn about the Savior and experience the joy of the gospel.

Now, our daughter had a warning experience that told her that the tires were dangerous BEFORE the big crash took place- the little bump into the guardrail. Just like that, we will always have a warning experience before we have a spiritual crash. The Holy Ghost will prompt you with a warning to change your course and go in a different direction. You will be guided to look ahead, whether it be in a personal pursuit or in a relationship. As you look ahead, you will be able to identify combinations that will lead to trouble, and avoid them. Heed those warnings- they are priceless promptings from a loving Heavenly Father.

Imagine our Father in Heaven, who loves you perfectly, watching you on earth. No cell phone needed- He sees everything.

Now imagine when you are in a place where you feel your life “spinning out of control” and you call out…” Father, Father, I am spinning, I’m spinning, I’m going to crash.” I bear witness that He will come to where you are and give you comfort and help. When your spiritual tread is thin, He will help you put on new spiritual tires.

The beauty of this arrangement, is that even if you are not “spinning out of control” you can call out to your Father in Heaven and He will come to where you are and give you comfort and help. He has given His Only Begotten Son to atone for sins, and insure that we can have new tires put on our spiritual car. It does not matter what bumps you have experienced on the road of life; we can overcome all things through the Atonement of the Savior Jesus Christ.

Many missionaries talk to me as they are returning home, and express worry that they will fall back into old habits, or become less active in the church because of the distractions of the world. I promise them that if they will remember these simple truths, they will not lose the fire of the gospel in their lives.

  • Prayer
  • Scripture Study
  • Service in the Church
  • Regular Temple Attendance
  • Sabbath Day Observance
  • Exact obedience to commandments of the Law of Chastity, Word of Wisdom and paying a full tithing.

Opening your mouth at all times and in all places to share the gospel. Remember, you are amazing. Your Father in Heaven loves you, and is watching over you on this journey. Look at the tread on your spiritual tires, and get some new tread where necessary. I bear my testimony that a loving Heavenly Father is always watching, and a loving Savior has provided the new spiritual tires that we all periodically need.

I know the Savior lives. I have received a witness of Him, and I have felt His influence in my life. May we all choose to follow Him on this road of life, I pray, In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen